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Data Science & Strategic Insights

In this age of data, there is big and not so big data, structured and unstructured, openly accessible and restricted aggregated among other types. Put simply, not all data is the same.


That's where we come in. 


From traditional research methods to new techniques enabled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning, we use a combination of methods to unravel hidden insights in this maze of data led world and answer difficult bespoke questions of strategic importance. 


Work with commercial brands, governmental departments, and political entities. Also partner with insight agencies, strategy firms, and others.

Our Offerings

We pride ourselves in not being limited to any framework or product-led approach. However, for the purpose of providing an overview of our services, we have categorized our work into a few buckets below.  


Our offerings use advanced data science techniques like Image Mining, Text Analytics, GeoSpatial Mapping, Voice and Video Analytics, Network mapping, Metadata investigation among others on data from social and digital channels, behavioral datasets alongside traditional data sources like surveys, CRM etc; as a result clients are able to solve complex strategic problems quicker (by 30-140 days), get better answers with an even better (avg. 45%) RORI - Return on Research Investment.

Solutions & Offerings
Brand & Competition

Deep dive into every brand element, understand the health of your brand, and compare these with your competitors.

Products & Services

Analyze every factor that decides your product use and create a data-driven roadmap for future growth.


Ideate your communication strategy, track your campaigns and product launches, increase chances of virality, and avert communication disasters.

Consumers & Citizens

From consumer journeys
to the impact of weather and location, take a closer look at how your customers act in the
real world.

Category & Innovation

Find out how macro and micro factors impact your category, maintain an advantage by keeping an eye on events, competitors' actions, and identifying untapped opportunities.


Get data-driven and actionable advice on setup of internal market tracking programs at a time when data environments are evolving and becoming increasingly complex.


Want to Connect? 

What you see here is just a teaser; talk to us about your problems and we will get an answer for it. You might be amazed!

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